Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Things I saw Today:

- A sign in a window : 'Breakfast Sandwishes'.

-That taco truck that follows me.

- Dancers warming up.

- A band-aid on a belly 5months pregnant.

- That homeless guy, laughing.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Things I saw today:

-A woman on the train, smacking her gum perfectly in time with the music on my ipod.

-Construction, everywhere.

-A stray cat, stalking a styrofoam cup...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Things I saw Today:

-A large man wearing a small vest.

- On an uptown 2 train, an older couple sharing the sunday comics.

-Ving Raimes? maybe?.... it looked like him.

-A mango, cut to look like a flower.

-Connecticut, flying by my window seat.